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Tuesday 12 May 2015

The SC & more n°273: Jellyfish

As you know, I am now addicted to crochet. A couple of weeks ago, I came across a challenge, weekly challenge, and it is now my second participation. This week the challenge is hosted by Val and the theme is "Pet", the one we've had, we have, we would like...
I've had a cat at my parents', I dream of having one again one day, but I didn't have the right yarn nor pattern to make one. In the past I also had an aquarium in the bedroom I shared with my sister. We've never had Jellyfish, but I love how they look and move. I sometimes dream of a huge aquarium-wall, like the ones you see in zoos or sometimes even in restaurants. But that will remain a dream, that is far too much work for my taste. Even a small one is too much for me. My fish never lived very long. 
I have found a lovely pattern from Lalylala and I really wanted to make a mobile from it.  So here are my "dream" pets: jellyfish! The mobile part hasn't arrived yet, but I'll definitely post an update once it is ready.
Picture for the Museum

I made four different ones, with beads of different colours making a small modification to the pattern: instead of reducing the number of stitches on the last row, I kept going with the same number of stitches as previously. This way I have two open jellyfish, and two a little closed. It just came to my mind that I could also have increased the number of stitches! Maybe next time :)

Check out the other participants' projects. A lot of inspiration there!


  1. Superbe réalisation .... si fin, si délicat .....

  2. moi aussi j'aime les petites méduses ....

  3. oh très très joli ... Merci pour ta participation ;-)

  4. J'adore ce drôle d'animal de compagnie ! C'est magnifique. Si tu veux un tuto de chat, c'est chez "pas à pas de chat".

  5. oO bravo quelle belle méduse !

  6. Elle est drolement jolie ta meduse!

  7. Original

  8. Pas sure que j'aimerais avoir une méduse comme animal de compagnie ( on en a vu beaucoup trop l'été dernier à la plage) mais les tiennes sont beaucoup plus sympathiques...

  9. Quel talent!! Un mobile me paraît être une super idée! Cette méduse semble si délicate!

  10. Magnifique!
    Bravo et bisous

  11. Quel animal de compagnie fantastique !

  12. Trop sympa cet animal de compagnie!

  13. Super joli ! Perso, je les prefere beaucoup plus au crochet que dans la mer !!!
    Et puis, cote crochet, tu vas pouvoir t'amuser avec tous les projets contenus dans ton cadeau de fete des meres !

  14. Merci à toutes pour vos gentils commentaires :)

  15. Un animal de compagnie pour le moins original ! très joli et poétique...

  16. très ressemblant, j'aime beaucoup :)
