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Saturday 23 November 2013

Felt food and books

 I am finally taking the time to write a post! It feels like it has been ages since I last posted something. Here are the last things I made, received and also a small peek on what I will be making next. Hope you'll enjoy watching everything.

First of all, look at those books I got for my birthday!! (Well, one of them, the Star Wars Cookbook isn't technically for me birthday but I gave it to my husband for our anniversary... ^^ )
 I really can't wait to try out some recipes I've seen in those books! Candy bars! The pictures are lush! Spanish cooking looks great too! We will keep busy with that. It is good that I have my Cooking&Baking Challenge to "force" us to use a new recipe at least once a month ;)

We have a burner to melt the sugar on top of Crèmes brûlées. So a recipe to actually make the crèmes is perfect. There are some very interesting combination and a whole series of savoury crèmes to be tried out.

And finally I also got this book along with a set of hand-drills. Many great seasonal ideas which I have already started getting inspiration from that book. 

Thanks a thousand times again to those who gave me the books :)

Now, let's see what kept me busy in the last weeks - I could even say months!

And finally a preview of what I will be making next:
It doesn't tell you much I know ;) but I cannot tell you more and you will only see the result after the 25th of December I'm afraid! I have plans concerning those littles guys and I hope my niece will enjoy the company of four of those babies.

Many other things in progress at the moment, but they are all for Christmas. So don't be surprised if again I do not post very much in the next weeks. You will then get loads to see at the end of the year.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Cooking & Baking Challenge - Session 5 : The recipes!

I know I am late! Sorry about that but I was away a couple of days. For this 5th session, we only have 3 recipes, but delicious nevertheless!

* Ghyslaine's : Pain d'épices
* Isabel's : Stuffed Bell-peppers

Now the question is: who is in for session 6 finishing on November the 30th?