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Wednesday 10 August 2016

The SC & more n°338: Pegs

This week Isabelle asked is to be creative with pegs. It brought back memories of my childhood when DIYing with my sister and our Grandmother.

I made a pen-holder this time, very simple. An every day object transformed into another commonly used object... both very useful. Now a question: should I paint it?

The other participations are here.

See you again next week if not earlier!

Wednesday 3 August 2016

The SC&more n°337: traffic jams

Ange has given us a rather interesting and puzzling theme for this week's challenge: traffic jams.
Now, we were on holiday in France two weeks ago, a great time with the family and a looooong drive! BUT we never get into the traffic jams. Two perfectly good reasons: first we usually are driving towards the other directions, second we drive at night. Over 1000km by car with two children under 6yo and who have the tendency to be sick quickly, it is the safest option. It is tiring but Oh! so quiet! No "are we there yet" for 12 hours :)

Then I thought again, what would I do IF I were in traffic jams (as a passenger of course) and IF I could do something without getting sick (I am like my children, or rather they are like me?).

Here is my answer: Treasure Bags!


I still need to perfect my pattern (yarn was 50%cotton, 50% acrylic and I used a 4.5mm hook), but each bag took me about one hour of work and my children were over the moon. Even my little brother asked for one! The children always gather small things when we go around. So having a light small bag comes in handy. 

Now, that is also a bag which is great for the parents, it is an Intelligent Bag

If it goes through the holes: it is too small to go home!
It doesn't fit in the bag: it is too big to go home!

On the next day the bags were tested the hard way. The children filled them with loads of stones. The bags did pass with high colours, but the shoulderstrap became a little elongated. I will see if it goes back to its previous shape after washing the bags.

So that's it, that's what I could be making if I were stuck in traffic jams. Take a look at the museum to see what the others came up with :)

And see you next week for the next challenge on Isabelle's blog. Have a lovely day.