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Friday 22 May 2015

Garden in town

At the moment we still live in town, in a flat, but one day we will have our dream home. The question is just when ;)

In the meantime we are actually lucky enough to have two balconies. We've been three and a half years in that flat, and every year I have been gardening a little more. I used to believe that I could not take care of plants. My inside plants seem happy enough and they are surviving, my outside plants also give me great joy.

In our Advent Calendar we had gotten flower bulbs. I did plant them in the big balcony planter that my father-in-law made for us a good five years ago. It is sturdy and practical. Anyway, the whole 24 bulbs did grow and bloom. It was a lovely sight on the balcony!
And this year I made a pallet vertical garden (inspiration on Pinterest of course!) - I was just really hoping it wouldn't end up being a "Pinterest Fail" ;)
First step: we acquired a pallet.

Then we shopped for: soil, plants and a special gardening fabric (we got on that is used for play sand-boxes). And we got on with our work. My oldest is in the Kindergarten, but I still have T. to help me :)
 Afterwards we started filling it. I had bought two bags of 40L of soil, but that wasn't enough! We did need another 40L bag. I did leave the pallet lying for a couple of days to give the plants some time to "settle" down, but it was highly unpractical as I use this balcony for my laundry and had too little space left, so I did bring it up with my husband's help.
 On the same day, T. and I did fill a few pots and seeded some radish, carrots and flowers.
 And now the following pictures are what our little balcony garden looks like:
Basil, potato plants and a little rose plant (this one survived both winter AND a bad insect infestation)
Our carrots and flowers growing slowly. I need to space the carrots now.
My mother-in-law brought us a tomato plant
Forest strawberries
We had our first harvest of radishes yesterday. There are many more to come.

The pallet garden now has a few more flowers and I got moss from my mother-in-law's garden to prevent the soil from falling out too easily.

So even in the middle of town, we can enjoy a little bit of gardening, self-grown veg and pretty flowers. My son, T., is particularly happy. He loves being outdoor and taking care of plants!

 Edit at 18h: here are our newest additions!

Rainpipes flowerpots with strawberry plants ^^

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