N. has been interested in learning her letters and numbers for a while now. She likes the notion of sitting at the table and doing to "work" - how often during the day do I hear "I want to work Mummy!".
She now has a set of three working boxes:
I found some material online on French pre-school websites. The first and smallest of the boxes contains the alphabet printed on paper and plastified:
I like that the letters are written in different ways, that there is a corresponding word as an example along with a small image.
The second box is for counting:
I have always been terrible with numbers and maths, and I am hoping to help my children love this particular subject (my husband being a scientist, he probably will be helpful too :-p ). I like the visual: the number, how it shows on a hand and the dots.
And finally the third box, the biggest, contains hours of work on my part! I made N. a felt colourful alphabet that she can manipulate at will. Most letters are at least double, some are even quadruple! Only the Q and X are single. I based myself on how often I think letters come up in French words (language I use with N.).
I would be interested in other ways of making learning fun for children. So do not hesitate to share your knowledge with me with a comment please! :)
I love it !