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Monday 6 July 2015

The SC & More n°281: Male

This week Zak is hosting the SC Challenge and asked us to do something on the theme of "Male". In his opinion there are too many women doing "female stuff", so he wanted us to work on "male stuff" instead at least just one week ;)

So here we are! What is more masculine than a medieval knight? A while back I had made T. a knight hood and costume. For this week's challenge I made a similar costume for "Claude" my old doll.

Actually, let me introduce Claude to you, my only boy doll. It is obviously a boy, but as to respect his privacy, I won't show you ;)
 This poor boy has been naked for most of his life apart from a couple of pants I did sew by hand when I was a child during one summer holiday. So a new set of clothes was definitely welcome.

I started with the hood:

I got inspiration from there but I did not follow a pattern at all. The neck part doesn't look as good as I wanted it to be, but that's ok.

Then I started working on trousers:
 No pattern for those either, but I remember how to make them and I will make some in different colours, they fit perfectly!

And finally the top part, with three press-studs (shoulders+one side) to allow my youngest to dress and undress Claude easily.
Square picture for the Museum

How do you like my mini-knight? Personally, I think Claude looks pretty cool in those clothes!


  1. Elle a une bouille géniale ta poupée ! Claude est un parfait chevalier !

    1. J'ai toujours eu un faible pour Claude, il est tellement mignon! Et mes enfants l'aiment beaucoup aussi.

  2. Le goût pour la guerre est hélas très masculin mais ton costume est très réussi.

    1. Merci :) Je me suis bien amusée à le faire!

  3. Oops, je crois que mon commentaire précédent n'a pas fonctionné... je disais qu'il était trop mignon ! Bravo !

    1. Merci Zak :) ton thème de la semaine inspire bien semble-t-il!

  4. Un beau chevalier tout mignon !!!

  5. bravo, cheval"ière" défi relevé, tel un beau combat! héhé

  6. Il est trop mignon et drôle en même temps ! Bravo !

  7. Super costume pour ce baigneur !
