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Tuesday 13 January 2015

Post-office bag

Children love role-playing games. In September I made a special bag for a little boy's birthday, I made the same again this Christmas for one of my nieces: a post bag! I modified a bag pattern which I have in my folders to make it smaller with longer straps.
 The symbols are embroidered by hand. It took a while to make but it was worth it!
 In case you are not familiar with the symbols, the yellow and blue one is the French post, the orange one is the Dutch post :)
My daughter, N., is begging me to make her one as well. I'll probably make it for her birthday with the German post symbol though!


  1. Idée génialement creative!!
    Mes filles auraient adorées

    1. Gardez l'idée en tête pour quand vous aurez des petits enfants ;) Et pour préciser un peu: le petit garçon qui a eu la version hollandaise aime beaucoup aussi. Donc c'est vraiment un jeu mixte.
