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Monday 15 December 2014

Beanie and Winter hats

If you remember a while back I found the perfect pattern to make beanie hats. It was on the Hamburger Liebe blog. I made the children one each and they used them very happily for quite a while. In May (I think), we had a fabric market and I got new jersey fabrics for myself and for the children. I was well inspired because T. grew quite a lot in Autumn and he outgrew his first beanie hat. So I made him a new one:
 He just loves the dragons and firetrucks!

And then because the weather was getting fresh, I also made one for myself and one for my husband! I also made myself a loop scarf.
I really like those beanie hats as you can wear them in different ways: either adjusted or a little loose. Plus now that I know how to make them, it usually takes me about 1 to 1,5 hours to make one. Although that depends very much on whether the children are around or not ;)

The other blog I really like for hats is Schnabelinas Welt. I made Summer hats for the kids thanks to her patterns. She has posted recently a new pattern which I will try as soon as Christmas is over (too much to do before then!). The last pattern I tried was the Zwergenmütze. Funny pointy hat which covers perfectly the ears and the neck.
I made two of them for N. and T. and we always get amused looks and compliments when we walk around:

 The hats are made of fleece and jersey cotton fabrics. They are both reversible but they are warmer with the fleece inside. 
I just love making hats now. It takes a little time and thinking to make them properly, but I find it a very rewarding work when my children prefer wearing those hats to the bought ones!


  1. Gilets jaunes... gilets jaunes:-) Je confirme!

    1. :D sur les photos de famille au Marché de Noel, ca BRIIIIIILLE! Mais au moins ils remplissent bien leur office, on voit bien les enfants!
