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Thursday 29 October 2015


I got three presents today for my birthday (last week), great DIY books and a creative year planner for 2016. I loved them! They were prettily wrapped in colourful papers and beautiful white ribbons. 

I have a thing for ribbons, my sisters, mother and mother-in-law could vouch for that. My son seems to have the same thing ;) he tried to steal them from me. So I decided to let him have one. That's generous of me, isn't it?

Here is what I used before giving the ribbon to him: 
- a glue pistol
- three ribbons
- three small sticks
 and tadaaaaaa! Three pretty ribbons to play with, one for N., one for T. and one for A. - N.'s best friend.
 I will give them away this afternoon and I am looking forward to making pictures of the three children dancing with the ribbons flying around them.

My Grandmother had made something like this for my sister M. and I. In blue. How we played and loved them! I just hope my children will love them as much as we did ours.

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