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Friday 11 September 2015

Cuddly planes

If you remember, the other day I made three mini-wheels but without telling you what they were for. 
 Well now I can tell you. A young E. just celebrated his fourth birthday and here is his present:

 I had found a pattern via Pinterest a while ago, but had not gotten round to use it until two days ago. Now, the thing is that while making it, my little boy asked very kindly (and desperately) if he could have one too. So I made him one as well and he just loves it.
I also made a small pink car for his sister, she was so happy about it! She liked it so much that she spent the night with it :)
I used a pattern from "Look at what I made". I made a few mistakes but on the whole, it was rather easy to make the mini-car.

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