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Friday 29 August 2014

Felt Garden

The last two posts have shown you what cuddly toys I had made for my nieces L. and M. for their birthdays (both summer girls!). I like both toys, but I never intended them as the "main" present.

Actually the main present is this: a felt garden. Two to be precise. I mixed up several ideas seen online.

In each garden the girls will find two radish, two baby carrots, two leeks, two flowers, two mushrooms and a small doll. One doll has long straight-ish hair, this is L. , the other one had shorter and curvier hair, this is M. :)

I will soon be working on making such a garden for my children too, they've been asking for it and they love planting and plucking vegs and flowers. How do you like it?


  1. Ach!! Wie süsss!! Ich liebe! Es ist (und du bist!) wunderbach!!
    Lots of love from all of us. I miss you <3 !

  2. Vielen Dank liebe Anne ;) missing you too!

  3. I love it! The fact that you made dolls with them is so cute!
