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Monday 10 December 2012

Embroidery Starter Set with videos

If you remember in Summer I had the visit from my 14 yo cousin, J. Well it is now her birthday and I have put up together a small embroidery set for her, just in case she fancies carrying on what I started to try teaching her in six months ago.

A small fleece and felt pear to carry her needles. I did not find a tutorial, but just images on this blog here. I thought it was a brilliant idea!! I decided for a pear instead since I knew I had some leftover of a really lovely green fleece and I started making it. Mine does not have a pocket for the scissors as did not have enough fleece for that and the shape wasn't appropriate. The button isn't as sweet and fancy as the one on the apple, but it is a button from the collections I inherited from my Grand-mother and I thought the colour was just perfect. The white inside is felt as I have no white fleece (it probably means I should go shopping :-p ).
I even embroidered the core and pips to make it looks a little more realistic :)
To go with the needles, I got J. a measuring tape, a small thimble (hopefully small enough for her thin fingers) and a pair of lovely scissors. I remember how delighted I was when my Grand-mother gave me mine, I still use them with pleasure.
To get her to use those needles and co., I made up a tiny teeny embroidery set, with thread, cloth (with a motif) and a mini-frame in which I hope the cloth with still fit once embroidered.

Joyeux Anniversaire J.!
 And because we are over a thousand kilometers apart, I unfortunately cannot teach her the different stitches while sitting next to her, which is why I have put up together a small booklet with some stitches and I am now posting some videos (in French, sorry!) so that she can also visualise a couple of the stitches. Maybe some of you might like to look at them too and either learn from them OR correct my mistakes!

[Scheduled post]


  1. C'est super chou! J'adore! Je vais te piquer l'idée et m'en faire un pour moi (car à ma grande honte, j'avoue ne même pas avoir de porte-aiguille; tout est en vrac dans ma boîte à couture...)
    Encore bravo pour tes supers idées!

  2. Merci Steph ^^ - l'idée n'est malheureusement pas de moi comme je le dis dans l'article et d'ailleurs si tu vas jeter un oeil sur l'autre blog, tu auras des idées de fruits-légumes :)

    Je n'ai pas non plus de porte-aiguilles comme ca, juste un bonhomme dans lequel je les plante :D
