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Saturday 27 October 2012

Food and flowers

 Just some pictures I wanted to share:

 My birthday apple and cinnamon cake with caramel on top baked by my lovely husband and equally lovely daughter. Delicious!
 My attempt to cook my mother's lentils and sausages recipe... Still need to work on it to make it as good as hers.

 My second birthday cake (apple too!) baked by my mother-in-law. Doesn't it look gorgeous?

 Before the cake we had a lovely lunch which included deer. It may look rather crispy from the outside but the meat inside was just perfect. 

And to  finish with food: what do you think of that home-made pizza (before cooking)? It was very yummy!

To conclude, here are my last flower pictures of the Autumn (we are in Winter now!)


  1. So it was your birthday and you didn't tell me? 'tite cachotière va! (oui, ça j'ai du mal à traduire...) I can see you've been spoiled by your family, how lucky you are!
    Happy birthday my friend! So you are "sagitarius"?
    I'll be forty for my next birthday, I hope I'll have lots of surprises! I'll tell you!

  2. I had my birthday in October and I am hmmm... "balance" (too lazy to search for the word again). When is your birthday?

  3. My birthday is on May 17th and i'm taureau ascendant taureau et buffle en signe chinois (autant dire que j'ai un caractère bien entier! lol!)
