My visitors

Monday 17 February 2014


Baby T. and Little N. are only truly happy when I sit in their room, doing nothing but looking at them while they play. If I have the unfortunate idea of doing some sewing or some reading, or even a need for the bathroom, they will complain and start playing ON me instead of playing at their small kitchen for instance.
Sitting on the ground isn't ideal for my back though, so I decided to see how much would a Beanbag (I think that's what it's called in English) cost. Depending on the size, quality and whether it has a zipper, it does cost a fortune!
Instead I ordered a bag of 400L (yes you did read properly... it is huge!) of polystyrene beads, an Vilene case with zipper (both on Amazon) and with some left-over fabrics from Ikea I made the outer case. 
Size of the inner case: 80 x 100 cm. Size of the outer case: 85 x 110 cm (roughly).
Now to close the case, I didn't use a zipper, buying one of the right size would have been expensive. I used plastic snaps instead. I bought  KAM pliers with a set of colourful snaps. They are just great! I am just missing the tool to make a hole first so it took me longer than it should have to set up my snaps.
 Within just about two hours I had the beanbag ready! It fits under N.'s bed for storage at night, and during the day we all use it. The children love it, especially since it can be used in any position:
Completely flat. T. likes to sit on it, N. tends to lie on her belly.
Standing on its wide side. N. can play horses!
As a seat.

I probably need to make a second one! Despite its comfortable size, N. and T. manage to argue as to who should be using it! ;)