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Thursday 4 August 2011

Hedgehog "New Generation"

 Not writing much in two weeks and suddenly two posts in one day... Well that's because I finished my first music-box cudly toy!

There is a bit of a story behind it. When she was a child my mother had a small hedgehog with a very lovely music (which I now know to be "Schlaf, Kinderlein schlaf"). And when she had children of her own (my sibblings and myself), she played the music for us and let us play with the cute hedgehog. Unfortunately, I do not have a photo to show, but it was small and sweet although a bit hard. We loved it and one day my youngest brother pulled the string too far and broke it! I could not imagine my children growing without this music-box but had no choice... Until I started reading Yencamade's blog and found out about this great website with "washable" music-boxes. To my great delight I found the beloved music again.
At first I considered doing some surgery on the original hedgehog but the fabrics are getting quite worn out, it probably would not have survived the operation! So I set out to look for new fabrics with the help of one of my sisters. I could not find anything that was really close to what I wanted so my sister chose the two fabrics. I must say that I love the result and feel like cuddling the little thing all the time now.
 I tried to make my own pattern but it didn't really work and I was too tired yesterday to even think about it further. A quick google search led me to this website: and this is the pattern I used 
Here are some pictures of the process started last night and finished today.


  1. petite_alouette4 August 2011 at 22:44

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!! This is one of the cutest things I've ever seen!! Hedgehog is absolutely gorgeous and the music is such a nice touch :)

  2. Hi Fred!

    I'm back again and I love the hedgehog. It's really cute! Perhaps I'll try one for Lucas' forest room. :-)

  3. @Petite Alouette: I knew you would like it ^^

    @Yencamade: That would suit the theme perfectly! I used the pattern copying it as such from my computer screen but the lady says to print it as to make it 22 cm long from head to bottom.

  4. En moins élimé ... très mignon ! Un petit relent d'enfance ! Bravo !
